It wasn’t just luck or timing. It wasn’t just the devoted support of her friends and family. It was all Ugwem, a young woman with filled with talent, intellect, and unmistakeable promise. This winning combination catapulted her throughout the Midwest region of the Miss Black and Gold pageant system, leaving her the last beauty in the spotlight during her crowning moment at the regional competition in 2012. Perhaps there’s just something about Ugwem. This week, 5 Questions asks the college queen what shot her undergraduate pageant career through the roof, and what advice she has for those who wish to follow in her footsteps!

Competing in the Miss Black and Gold System was my first experience in the world of pageantry. It is really easy to enter the system and find yourself facing your insecurities when you are being showcased. My confidence and faith in myself, my character and my intellect helped me combat many of the insecurities and challenges that arise when you find yourself on a stage with other beautiful women.
2)What sparked your interest in pageants, and are you considering another competition in your future?
Pageantry seemed like an excellent opportunity for me to address insecurities and self-doubts, particularly with the excessive skin scarring I have had since youth. It also seemed like a chance to promote several of the platforms I support including women pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics and environmental quality in developing countries. Thus, I entered my first pageant. I am definitely competing in additional pageants, and I am preparing for another this summer.

The best piece of advice someone has given me is that you have to love yourself before you can know true happiness. I would give the same advice to ladies getting into pageantry. Whenever you find yourself among gorgeous gals and it seems like superficial things seem more important than what is inside, it’s important to already value and love yourself. Otherwise, you will find yourself getting caught up trying to find value in superficial qualities which cannot sustain true happiness. In pageantry, love and value yourself and happiness will come much easier.
4)What is your go-to beauty secret?
My best go-to beauty secret is a green tea mask and sleep! When life’s daily troubles and task add up, you can definitely see the exhaustion in my face and my demeanor. Before big events, I try to get a green tea mask on to exfoliate and rejuvenate my skin and sleep to make sure I have a stress-free smile!
< div style="background-color: white; margin: 7.5pt 0in 0.0001pt; text-indent: 0px;">5)What has to be in your pageant bag?