Author Coaching
- These sessions follow a personalized publishing plan for your project and provide insider guidance. We will work together in person or via phone with the goal of getting your book into the hands of your readers.
First Chapter Review
- This is a content edit that includes a marked-up review of your first chapter (up to 10 pages) and a separate file of notes for improvement.
First Three Chapters Review
- This is a content edit that includes a marked-up review of your first chapter (up to 30 pages) and a separate file of notes for improvement.
Reader Report
- (ex. 50k manuscript = $450)
- This is a developmental edit that includes a marked-up review of your manuscript and a separate file detailing feedback on your plot, pacing, characters, setting, world building, etc.
- This will give you overall developmental feedback on your entire manuscript, without the line edits.
Line Edits
- (ex. 50k manuscript = $900)
- Line edits include detailed notes within the document. They involve heavy assessment of the story on a line-by-line basis. This looks for inconsistencies, punctuation and grammar issues, as well as sentences that can be strengthened.
- *Note: This is a more detailed option than the reader report and is not right for anyone who is looking at making heavy structural edits. This is for someone who believes their overall plot and story structure are strong.
Ghost Writing
- Memoirs and Nonfiction
Publish your legacy with Josey. Utilizing a proven, personalized process with expert writing skills, Imani helps authors publish their memoirs and nonfiction projects in less time with less headache!
There are only 5 spots available for 2022 for this exclusive offer.
As an award winning playwright and successful published author, Josey will brainstorm and plan the project with you closely and then write the most stunning book of your dreams from start to finish!
Don’t leave your story untold. Don’t wait until you have the time. Let Imani handle the details so you can enjoy opening that gorgeous cover like you’ve always dreamed of.
These projects go FAST, so make sure to submit your application and save your spot.
A typical project timeline looks like:
Months 1-3: Brainstorming, Planning, and Outlining
Months 3-6: Writing First Draft
Months 6-9: Editing, Final Draft
Months 9-10: Ready to publish!