“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.”- Walt Disney Company, “Mulan”
I knew that fall 2011 was going to be hard. I didn’t really conceptualize how hard that would actually be until I was knee deep in it’s madness, but I had an intuitive understanding that I was going to sweat on more than one occasion between August 2011… and well, now. For anyone whose been following my blog, you’ve read some of my stress entries. I moved. I started grad school. I turned an ungodly age (haha, better than the alternative). I entered and won a state pageant (not without some untoward drama)… I changed… my whole life.
I know I have been complaining, but I do have to say that I am grateful for this whole experience. That sounds crazy, right? Why would someone say that they’re happy for the difficult times in their life? Well, I have to say that because in this time I learned who I am and what I am capable of (before pretty much combusting) and who I can truly lean on. Everyone loves to be around during the celebration, but it is the truly unique and lovely individuals that are there during the monsoon ( and who help you find an umbrella). So, I’ll repeat the quote from Mulan one more time, for the image of the magnolia blossom unfurling to an unknown destiny is striking a chord with me lately, ” The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.”